We at Clymer Precision produce all of our reamers as straight fluted chamber reamers. Using M42 with cobalt HSS which dramatically increases tool life and durability. These tools have six right-hand cutting flutes made to a proprietary design with straggled flute angles that effectively resists chatter. Our standard tools are manufactured to SAAMI tolerances, and can be ordered in either Premium Live Pilot secured by industry standard screw front end, Solid Pilot, and with other features available.
Live Pilot Reamers feature
- Manufacture grade tooling.
- A spindle threaded for 4-40 fillister head screw to attach industry standard bushings.
- Oil grooves standard in pilot spindle to allow for muzzle flush chambering.
- Industry standard 7/16″ shank with integral Weldon flat and ¼-28 female threads.
Rifle Finish Reamers: Precisely ground to cut minimum SAAMI chambers +.0005” and come with integral throat. Reamers for rimmed or belted calibers also feature a counter boring section for the rim or belt.
Rifle Rougher Reamers: Ground to .010″ under finish chamber size and do not cut any portion of the throat.
Pistol Finish and Rough Reamers: Are available in the same configurations as rifle chambering reamers, WITH AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE – PILOT DIAMETER. If you are chambering a revolver cylinder, the pilot of the reamer must be approximately bullet diameter, since it is guided by the exit diameter of the cylinder. Reamer pilots for cutting chambers in barrels (semi-auto, and etc.) are guided by the bore diameter and must be smaller to fit this section of the firearms barrel.
When ordering Pistol Chambering Reamers, please specify whether for Cylinder or Barrel use. Reamers for Cylinder use will be marked (CYL); tools for Barrels will only list calibers name.
Standard Screw-in Live Pilot Finish-Rimless

Solid Pilot Finisher-M42